MBAS 9700
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MINILEC offers its unique alarm Annunciator based on the latest single chip micro-controller technology with serial communication facility. Available in 19” rack type enclosure. MBAS 9700 annunciators have split architecture for 24, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96,112 & 128 windows. 24, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96,112, & 128 window models are housed in 19” rack type enclosures, separate for MCU and for PSU. Here choice of facia (DFU) is of 3 types (a) Small size i.e. 30 x 30 mm and (b) Big size is 30 x 65 mm (c) 50 x 70 mm. Facia is available in multiples of 16 windows. In addition to all other standard features, MBAS 9700 has additional facility of computer linking. A serial port (RS232/RS485) output is available which can be supported by an IBM compatible PC of minimum 386 configurations. Minilec can supply the standard software with every model or can develop suitable software as per customer requirements or can provide source coding / protocol details to enable client to develop their own suitable software
Standard Features
- Single chip micro-controller logic
- Super bright LED’s for window illumination
- Site selectable NO/NC type fault contacts
- Site selectable trip /Non trip (Grouping)
- Easy card replacement & hence fault diagnosis
- Switch Mode Power Supply. (Suitable for Both AC/DC Supply)
- High noise immunity and wide input supply variation
- Opto-isolated Inputs and Outputs
- Site Selectable sequences
- Potential free dry input contacts
- Two different window sizes
- Replaceable windows & window legends
- Computer linking for fault logging with printer facility for report. Self-surveillance watch dog LED
- Relay output for external audible hooter
- Diagnostics Menu
- Redundant Power Supply (Only in 19” Rack Model)
- CPU fail & PSU fail indication with relay output contact (Only in 19” Rack)
- User Friendly terminal Connectors
Optional Features
- Different colored LED’s in each window for easy differentiation of critical faults
- Customized preprogrammed operating sequence
- Multi channel serial communication (8 Annunciators & single computer)
Constructional Details
- MBAS 9700 consist of four basic sections
- The Power Supply Unit (PSU Module)
- The Main Control Unit (CPU + IOU Module)
- The Display Facia Unit (DFU Module)
- Computer interface
The Main Control Unit (MCU)
CPU module is the Main Processing Unit of MBAS 9700 which scans and processes the incoming fault signals from the various potential free field contacts through IOU module, and drives the corresponding LED windows and the audible device in order to annunciate the fault through IOU module. The IOU module is the input & output interfacing unit. To each IOU module 16 input contacts (potential free) & 16 window LED’s can be connected.
The Power Supply Unit (PSU)
PSU converts the available power source into a regulated and filtered DC output, which is fed to the MCU Module & DFUs. The power supply can accept Specified AC or DC I/P supply, depending upon the application. Redundant Power supply is available.
The Display Facia Unit (DFU)
The Facia block is accessible from front (in moulded enclosure) and constitutes of window capsules. The sandwiched photo film window inscriptions are press-fitted on the window capsules. For 24 to 128 points system the DFUs are given separately